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2024-02-17 06:18:17
美[ʌnklærətɪ]  英[ʌnklærɪtɪ]
n.  不清澈
sp.  含糊; 不明确.


  1. Now you can compare the sections in terms of clarity and unclarity. 现在,你可以依据清晰和模糊程度来比较各部分。”
  2. In college, the competition is tougher.You have to be more precise.Say what you mean.That unclarity which was ok before is now, clearly its unclear. 大学里竞争本来就很激烈,你就更应该写的精确些,含糊不清最终就会发展到今天的很清楚,而明天就不清楚了。
  3. Finally, we apply unclarity relevancy theory in modeling plan&design risks based on these uncertainty factors for risk classification. 最后,我们在这些不确定性因素的基础上运用灰色关联分析法建立策划设计管理风险模型并加以风险因素等级评估。
  4. Blog, a type of we-media, with the drastic increasing number and unclarity responsibilities, give a chance for people to controvert and have factional set-up. 博客人数的剧增、网络媒体具体职责的尚不明确,让博客这样一个自媒体有了拉帮结派大战乱的可能。
  5. Clarity and Unclarity:Cognition of Reception Psychology in Net Language 张春泉, “隔”与“不隔”:对网络语符接受心理的认知