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2024-02-17 06:21:16
美[ʌnklæsəˌfaɪəbl]  英[ʌnklæsɪfaɪəbl]
adj.  不可分类的;不可归类的


  1. not possible to classify


  1. Method was called, or an unclassifiable error occurred. 方法被调用,或者发生了不可分类的错误。
  2. First, I shall say that it doesnt upset me at all to be unclassifiable. 首先,把我的作品归为无分类作品,我一点也不介意。
  3. Further,this method can avoid the unclassifiable regions that exist in the conventional SVMs. 将该方法应用于人脸识别实验。
  4. With the traditional SVMs two-class problems extending to the multi-class problems,the unclassifiable regions exist. 传统的支持向量机由两类扩展到多类问题时,出现不可分区域。
  5. The new methods can resolve the unclassifiable region problems in the conventional multiclass SVM methods. 该算法解决了现有主要算法所存在的不可分区域问题。
  6. The cutting, grinding, machining, etc., Would not be expected to produce respirable particles.IARC considers continuous filaments as unclassifiable or probably non-carcinogenic. 慢性影响:我们的产品用的是加强型连续的玻璃纤维丝。当切割、打孔加工时不会产生可吸入的颗粒。