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2024-02-17 06:39:16
美[ʌŋkoʊ]  英[ʌŋkəʊ]
adj.  <苏>奇怪的; 陌生的; 异常的
adv.  过分地
n.  <苏>新闻; 奇怪的人


  1. to a remarkable degree or extent;

    "she was unusually tall"


  1. The anxious man is unco cious of my anxiety. 那个不安的人没有觉察到我的忧虑.
  2. Authorities believe her womb was cut open after she was knocked unco cious. 警方相信她在打昏后子宫被割开。
  3. The recipe recipient tra iently made the co cientious alien client unco cious. 烹饪法接受者瞬变使有责任心的外国人客户无意识。
  4. The patients with mouth infectio and unco cious can not use oral thermometer. 口腔有感染和昏迷的病人也不能使用口表。
  5. Its hard for most of children to become compatible with unco surroundings due to their ham-handed treatment of case. 许多学生缺乏适应性和灵活性,他们很难溶入国外新的环境。
  6. Objective:To investigate the effect of Tongfuxingshen Liquid on patients in unco nscious state after acute internal hemorrhage. 目的观察通腑醒神液直肠滴注对急性脑出血神昏患者的治疗作用。