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2024-02-17 06:56:17
美[ˌʌnkəmpæʃənɪt]  英[ʌnkəmpæʃənɪt]
adj.  无同情心的;冷酷无情的


  1. lacking compassion or feeling for others;

    "nor silver-shedding tears could penetrate her uncompassionate sire"


  1. Nor silver-shedding tears could penetrate her uncompassionate sire. 银光闪闪的泪花也不能打动她冷酷无情的父亲。
  2. We feel we should become upset over our own and other peoples problems, those who dont are uncaring, and uncompassionate people. 觉得应该对自己或别人的问题感到难过;而那些不感到难过的人就是不关心且没有同情心的人.
  3. We should not question whether Confucius is violating his own pedagogy of "teaching those from all walks of life," and judge him to be uncompassionate. 或者以孔子的“有教无类”来质疑孔子,认为孔子太不慈悲;
  4. Conclusion The juvenile delinquents show more extroversion.They were irritable, uncompassionate, impulsive and hostility. 结论少年罪犯大多数为外向、情绪不稳及精神质个性。
  5. Venerable Chao Hwei argued that allowing this injustice to continue is uncompassionate as we are not doing anything to help these beings alleviate their suffering. 昭慧法师强调,让不正义的继续存在就是不慈悲,因为我们不曾为减轻他人的苦难尽任何一点的力量。
  6. uncompassionate sire 冷漠的陛下