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2024-02-17 07:00:16
美[ʌnˌkɑːmplɪmentri]  英[ʌnˌkɒmplɪmentri]
adj.  贬降的;贬损的


  1. showing or representing unfavorably;

    "an unflattering portrait" "an uncomplimentary dress"

  2. tending to (or intended to) detract or disparage


  1. Mildly disparaging or uncomplimentary,especially of oneself. 自嘲(尤指对自己)温和的蔑视或贬低
  2. He once called Hausser "crafty fox" in a very uncomplimentary way. 他在一些非正式的场合一度称豪塞尔是“狡猾的狐狸”。
  3. Mildly disparaging or uncomplimentary, especially of oneself. 自嘲(尤指对自己)温和的蔑视或贬低
  4. Sharp: Tasting term used to indicate an acidic or bitter taste. Usually uncomplimentary. 尖锐的:品尝术语,用来指酸或者苦的味道。通常作为贬义词语使用。
  5. Your wife is the only one with the knowledge and incentive to give you honest, frank, and sometimes uncomplimentary advices. 而你的妻子是唯一有能力并且愿意给你诚实中肯的意见的人--虽然有时候听起来不那么舒服。
  6. The people of Hubei are given the uncomplimentary nickname "Nine Headed Birds" by other Chinese, from a mythological creature said to be very aggressive and hard to kill. 说起湖北人,人们一般会想起一句俗语:“天上九头鸟,地下湖北佬。”