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2024-02-17 07:19:17
美[ʌnkɒndʒʊgeɪtɪd]  英[ʌnkɒndʒʊgeɪtɪd]
adj.  [化]非结合的


  1. In mercaptobenzthiazole the 1500cm-1 band is readily detected in the unconjugated thioketo form. 巯基苯并间硫氮茂的1500厘米-1谱带在非共轭的硫酮型中较易于鉴识。
  2. The Spectrum Characteristics of Unconjugated Bilirubin and Transition Metal Ions in NaOH Solution. Yang Fang; Zheng Wenjie; Bai Yan et al(杨芳,郑文杰,白燕等).
  3. Jaundice may involve unconjugated or conjugated hyperbilirubinemia; the latter may be due to hepatocellular or cholestatic disorders. 黄疸会包括结合的和非结合的胆红素,结合胆红素可能由肝细胞功能紊乱或胆汁淤积造成。
  4. Unconjugated antibodies show significant efficacy in the treatment of solid tumors by monotherapy and combining with chemotherapy or radiotherapy. 本文通过单抗治疗机制和临床治疗试验两方面介绍了几种单克隆抗体以及抗体的治疗战略。
  5. Methods The clinical materials of 83 newborns with neonatal unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia were analyzed and summarized. 方法对83例新生儿高胆临床资料进行分析总结。结果83例高胆中,男54例,女29例。
  6. The conjugates of the present invention also exhibit an extended half-life in vivo compared to the corresponding unconjugated cytokine. 相对于未缀合的细胞因子、趋化因子、生长因子和多肽激素,本发明的缀合物也在体内和体外显示出延长的半衰期。