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2024-02-17 07:28:17
美[ʌnkɒnspɪkjuəs]  英[ʌnkɒnspɪkjuəs]
adj.  不明显的;不引人注目的


  1. It contains evident infiltration and unconspicuous infiltration. 分为显性渗透和隐性渗透两种;
  2. Comfortable work creates commercial profit by unconspicuous way. 舒适的工作则以不太明显的方式创造商业利润。
  3. Only a small quantity of phloem fibers were distributed in the secondary phloem, and the phloem ray was unconspicuous. 次生韧皮中分布有少量韧皮纤维,韧皮射线不明显。
  4. The end resistance in long pile exceeds the value in finite elements method.The other difference is unconspicuous. 长桩的桩端阻力分析中通用分析方法结果偏大,但短桩的桩端阻力二者差别不明显。
  5. Results:The 29 nipples have good shape and sensation,the scars of the skin were limited and unconspicuous. 结果:术后外形好,乳头感觉正常,切口瘢痕不明显。
  6. Resistivity difference between oil layer and water layer is unconspicuous in target area. 目标区块受客观因素影响,油、水层电阻率差异小,常规电阻率法识别储层流体比较困难。