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2024-02-17 07:34:17
美[ʌnkɒnsəmeɪtɪd]  英[ʌnkɒnsəmeɪtɪd]
adj.  未实现的;未完成的


  1. not consummated (especially of a marriage);

    "an unconsummated marriage can be annulled"


  1. But in this case the marriage remained for ever unconsummated. 但是即使在这种情形下,婚姻也仍然永远没有完成。
  2. Do you realize the consequences of an unconsummated royal marriage? |你有没有意识无性的皇室婚姻会有什么后果?
  3. Generally, annulment is easier if the marriage is unconsummated. 一般来说,如果婚姻并不美满,宣告婚姻无效就比较容易。
  4. Among the foreign diplomats looking on, optimists refer to the squabbling coalition as an “unconsummated marriage”. 在外国外交人士的关注中,乐观主义者将这一口角不断的联盟视为一场“未有完婚的婚姻”。
  5. The couple rendezvous in taxis, take chaste walks down back alleys by night and play out an extended dance of exquisite, unconsummated desire. 他们在出租车里约会,在夜晚的灯光下规规矩矩地散步,彼此探询着,跳出一段细腻激烈而又不能圆满的欲望的舞步。
  6. Objective: To determine and analyze the etiologies and modalities of treatment for unconsummated coitus due to vaginal penetration failure. 摘要目的:找寻并分析原发性阴道插入失败,导致性交未完成的原因,以及治疗的模式。