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2024-02-17 07:54:16
美[ˌʌnkərektəbl]  英[ʌnkərektəbl]
adj.  无法改正(或纠正、校正)的;不能补救的;不能修复的


  1. incapable of being controlled or managed;

    "uncontrollable children" "an uncorrectable habit"


  1. If uncorrectable should get rid of matozoa the cast. 若无法订侧的答去不兴胶体后,从脚铸制。
  2. Msg:Block 88097056:uncorrectable data error or media is write protected. 请问这个错误是怎么回事,是否影响设备的使用,以及如何消除该错误。
  3. There are more sectors on today’s disks and, therefore, a greater chance of an uncorrectable error. 今天的磁盘上有更多的扇区,因而出现无法纠正错误的机会就更多。
  4. While disk capacities double every 12 to 18 months, uncorrectable read/write error rates haven’t improved, nor has the probability of an uncorrectable error occurring on a disk read decreased. 磁盘容量每12至18个月就翻一番,但无法纠正的读/写错误率没有得到改进,而且发生在磁盘读时的无法纠正的错误概率也没有降低。
  5. uncontrollable children; an uncorrectable habit. 无法管束的孩子;无法改正的习惯。
  6. alert!uncorrectable memory error previously detected... address xxxxxxxxh, device dimm_y(警告!