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2024-02-17 07:57:17
美[ˌʌnkərʌptɪd]  英[ʌnkərʌptɪd]
adj.  未腐败的;未堕落的;未被收买的


  1. (of language) not having its purity or excellence debased;

    "uncorrupted English" "learn to speak pure English undefiled"

  2. not decayed or decomposed
  3. not debased;

    "though his associates were dishonest, he remained uncorrupted" "uncorrupted values"


  1. A corrupted gold is better than uncorrupted silver. 败坏的金胜过未败坏的银;
  2. He was an official for decades; he remained uncorrupted. 做官几十年,他依然是两袖清风。
  3. Remaining in a pure state; uncorrupted by civilization. 质朴的,纯洁的:保持纯洁状态的;未被文明腐蚀的。
  4. He has been an official all his life, and remained uncorrupted. 他做一辈子官儿,两袖清风。
  5. Action: Try to obtain an uncorrupted version of the export file. 各位是否曾经遇到过这种情况?
  6. Thus, the governor doesnt flatter himself that he is uncorrupt. 所以,为政者心里也没有自以为清廉的感觉。