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2024-02-17 08:46:17
美[ˌʌndiːkəmpoʊzəbəl]  英[ʌnˌdiːkəmpəʊzəbl]
adj.  不可分解的


  1. representing the furthest possible extent of analysis or division into parts;

    "a feeling is a simple and undecomposable mental state" "this weight of evidence is something mystical and unanalyzable"


  1. A feeling is a simple and undecomposable mental state. 感觉是一种简单而又不可分解的精神状态。
  2. The effects of undecomposable organic materials mixed with biopreparate on the physical and chemical properties of continuous cropping greenhouse soil were studied. 研究了有机物料配合生物菌剂施入塑料大棚连作土壤后,对土壤理化性质的影响。
  3. It features undecomposable, deformation free, fade resistant, insect damage resistant, god fireproof performance, crack resistant, and maintenance free etc. 从事新型建筑材料、室内外装饰材料生产销售。
  4. Research on Identical Self-Synchronization for Undecomposable Chaotic System 未拆分混沌系统恒等自同步研究
  5. Effects of Undecomposable Organic Materials Mixed with Biopreparate on the Physical and Chemical Properties of Greenhouse Soil 非腐解有机物配施生物菌剂对设施土壤理化性质的影响