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2024-02-17 09:06:16
美[ˌʌndərətʃiːv]  英[ˌʌndərətʃiːv]
v.  未能充分发挥学习潜力;学习成绩不良
  名词:underachievement  过去式:underachieved  过去分词:underachieved  现在分词:underachieving  第三人称单数:underachieves


  1. perform less well or with less success than expected;

    "John consistently underachieves, although he is very able" "My stocks underperformed last year"


  1. I know sometimes its frustrating to watch them underachieve, but what right have we to blame them? 我知道看到他们表现不良时,有时会让人很失望,但是我们又有什么权利去责骂他们呢?
  2. They lost two in a row and granted, yes they should have beat these two teams but its the NBA and teams will overachieve and underachieve. 他们连输了两场,确实,他们本也应该击败这两个队的,但是在NBA,有超长发挥,也有马失前蹄
  3. THAT the children of the poor underachieve in later life, and thus remain poor themselves, is one of the enduring problems of society. 这是一个长期以来的社会问题:贫穷的孩子在以后的生活中不能取得成功,这让他们持续的贫穷。
  4. HAT the children of the poor underachieve in later life, and thus remain poor themselves, is one of the enduring problems of society. 儿童期遭遇贫困的人,在以后的生活表现不佳,从而继续保持贫困,这是一个持续的社会问题。
  5. THAT the children of the poor underachieve in later life , and thus remain poor themselves, is one of the enduring problems of society. 穷人的孩子在成年之后也是一事无成,依然穷困,这是长期存在的一个社会问题。