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2024-02-17 10:01:17
美[ˌʌndəedʒəˌkeɪtɪd]  英[ʌndəredjuːkeɪtɪd]
adj.  受教育不足的;未受良好教育的


  1. poorly or insufficiently educated


  1. The states profile is, indeed, perfect for Mrs Clinton: West Virginias Democrats are relatively poor, undereducated, ageing and overwhelmingly white. 这个州的情况对为克林顿夫人而言的确很完美:西弗吉尼亚的民主党人相对较穷,受教育程度不高,整体年老,并且绝大多数都是白人。
  2. On top of this, sweeping technological change, immigration, and imports have made conditions difficult for undereducated workers. 再加上日新月异的科技变迁、外来移民、以及进口货,使得教育程度低的工作者的日子更难过。
  3. ON JANUARY 13th Gordon Browns government announced its latest attempt to improve the chances of the poor and undereducated. 1月13号,布朗内阁公布了一项最新政策以帮助穷人、教育程度较低者获得更多的机会。
  4. Children with itamin D deficiencies tended to lie in households with low incomes, hae undereducated caregiers and carry excess weight, the researchers found. 研究人员还发现了维生素D缺乏的儿童通常来自于低收入的家庭、教育程度不高、以及超重。
  5. Your daughters parenting skills could use some improvement, and yes, its possible those kids will grow up to be overweight, undereducated crooks, but she needs to see it for herself. 你女儿的家教水平需要得到提高,对!这些孩子们有可能长大后变成超重,没有文化教养的骗子,但是这些都需要她自己来认识到。