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2024-02-17 10:04:16
美[ˌʌndəemfəˌsaɪz]  英[ʌndəremfəsaɪz]
v.  对 ... 强调不够; 对 ... 重视不够
  名词:underemphasis  过去式:underemphasized  过去分词:underemphasized  现在分词:underemphasizing  第三人称单数:underemphasizes


  1. Basic research is still underemphasize in the United States. 在美国基本研究的强调仍然不够。
  2. This difference in perspective likely leads suppliers to underemphasize the customer requirements definition and postdeployment support, which are crucial to many customers. 对顾客解决方案理解上的差异很可能会导致供应商不够重视对顾客要求的定义和展开支持,然而这些对很多顾客来说却是至关重要的。
  3. Both two works play the same important role.If one is overemphasize or underemphasize, it will cause huge losses for the implementation of sustainable development. 两项工作都很重要,任何偏颇将对我国可持续发展战略的实施带来重大的损失。