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2024-02-17 11:34:16
美[ʌndərɪækt]  英[ʌndərɪækt]
vi.  反应不够有力;未作出应有的反应
  名词:underreaction  过去式:underreacted  过去分词:underreacted  现在分词:underreacting  第三人称单数:underreacts


  1. It doesnt overreact or underreact. 池水既不会反应过激,也不会听之任之。
  2. In the next part, we examine: do security analysts underreact in generating recommendations for recovering stocks? 以及:证券分析师是否对复苏中的股票未即时做推荐?
  3. Anything that causes you to overreact or underreact can control you, and often does. 任何造成你反应过度或不足的事情都可能控制住你,事情往往如此。
  4. Meanwhile, we find that in Shenzhen stock market, big companies stocks underreact to the unexpected news, and it would take at least one week for the market to digest the news. 同时,我们还发现深市大公司股票存在针对新消息反应不足的现象,新消息至少需要一周时间才能被市场慢慢消化。
  5. Every expert has a critique of specific policies, but over time we might see that faced with the decision to underreact or overreact, most governments chose the latter. 每个专家都对具体政策提出了批评,但未来我们也许会发现在反应不足和过度反应之间,各国政府都选择了后者。
  6. Therefore, investors underreact about the announcement of stock repurchase and cash dividend increased.In addition, it is stock repurchase that can create more wealth of stockholders. 因此,投资人对于公司的股票购回与股利增发宣告有反应不足的现象,而且,股票购回比现金股利增发更能创造股东财富。