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2024-02-17 12:05:17
美[ˌʌndəslʌŋ]  英[ˌʌndəslʌŋ]
adj.  装于车轴之弹簧上的;重心低的


  1. supported from above especially in a vehicle having springs attached to the axle from below
  2. having a lower part projecting beyond the upper;

    "an underhung jaw" "undershot bulldog"

  3. having a low center of gravity; built low to the ground


  1. The missile is roughly 3.5 m long and powered by a small turbojet/turbofan engine with an underslung intake. 导弹概略地是3.;5米长和被一台采用下悬进气口的小型涡轮喷气/涡扇发动机提供动力。
  2. It can reduce 30 minutes from 4 hours worktime by applying underslung and drawer-lide design reducing on internal channel of the stove and preheater. 锡炉内槽及预热器均采用同步“悬臂抽屉设计”,保养工时由原长达4小时,缩短为30分钟。
  3. The underslung MSS will not be submitted to any pre-loading or load-test during assembly, commissioning or prior to use. 下行式滑动模板支架系统在拼装使用前无需任何荷载试验。
  4. This paper introduces that man machine conversation with PLC is realized successfully by the touching screen in the electric controlling on underslung heat treament product line. 论述了在悬挂式曲轴热处理生产线的电气控制系统中,采用触摸屏为操作核心,成功的实现与PLC可编程序控制器人机对话。
  5. Underslung, as a machine. 有下悬架的,用于机器
  6. a cart with an underslung axle and two seats. 有一个重心低的轴心和两个座位。