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2024-02-17 12:06:16
美[ʌndəˌsɔɪl]  英[ʌndəsɔɪl]
n.  下层土(底土)


  1. the layer of soil between the topsoil and bedrock


  1. To spade or plow(soil)to bring the undersoil to the surface. 翻耕,翻土翻(土)或犁(土),从而把下面的泥土翻到表面上来
  2. To spade or plow(soil) to bring the undersoil to the surface. 翻耕,翻土翻(土)或犁(土),从而把下面的泥土翻到表面上来
  3. The pitch is covered and the undersoil heating is working. 球场被大雪覆盖,我们的地下保暖设备正在工作。
  4. Bolton also experienced problems with their undersoil heating and their game with Middlesbrough was called off at3 pm. 下午3:00,博尔顿在他们和米德尔斯堡的比赛被推迟后也说会好好检查他们的地下暖气。
  5. Thu March 3rd Its snowing, but theres no problem training at Cobham because three pitches have undersoil heating. 3月3日星期四下雪天,但丝毫不影响在科本的训练,因为这里的三块场地都配有地下供暖系统。
  6. Bolton also experienced problems with their undersoil heating and their game with Middlesbrough was called off at 3pm. 下午3:00,博尔顿在他们和米德尔斯堡的比赛被推迟后也说会好好检查他们的地下暖气。