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2024-02-17 12:07:17
美[ˌʌndərsoʊld]  英[ˌʌndəsəʊld]
v.  低价出售(抛售; 售价比 ... 低)


  1. Our goods cannot be undersold,ie Our prices are the lowest. 本公司货物价格别家无法竞争(我们的价格最低).
  2. Now that our proposal has failed,its obvious that we undersold it. 我们的计划现在已失败,显然我们没尽力。
  3. Our goods cannot be undersold, ie Our prices are the lowest. 本公司货物价格别家无法竞争(我们的价格最低).
  4. Now that our proposal has failed, its obvious that we undersold it. 我们的计划现在已失败,显然我们没尽力
  5. I shop at John Lewis, I see its price promise, "Never knowingly undersold", displayed in an attempt at reassurance. 承诺与竞争者价格一致的问题在于,它首先会阻碍竞争者降价。
  6. He undersold a large amount of industrial stocks and caused the market to fluctuate. 他大量抛售工业股票,引起了市场波动。