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2024-02-17 13:04:16
美[ˌʌndɪskraɪbd]  英[ʌndɪskraɪbd]
adj.  未描写的;未描述的


  1. They may represent a different, as yet undescribed species, but further work and new collections are needed to confirm this. 他们可能代表了一个不同的,迄今尚未描述的种,但下一步工作和新的采集需要确认这一观点。
  2. Loesche, who received a grant from the National Institutes of Health to study halitosis, has uncovered previously undescribed bacterial species making their home in our mouths. 洛希接受美国国家卫生研究院计画支助研究口臭,发现人们的口腔有多种不曾发现的细菌。
  3. Among the genes identified was CD276, a gene that encodes a protein located on the cell surface, as well as other known and preiously undescribed genes. CD276就是这13个基因之一,和其他的已知并未明确描述功能的基因一样,它编码一种位于细胞表面的蛋白。
  4. Based on a study that included a single undescribed Malagasy species in the spider genus Anelosimus, investigators found that this species could be grouped within a clade of NewWorld social species. 基于包括一个单一的没描述的马达加斯加球蛛科种类,调查人发现这个种类可能是新大陆社会种类的一个分支。
  5. of the species on Earth, are insects, 85% remain undescribed. 全世界已知动物150万种,昆虫100万种。