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2024-02-17 13:06:16
美[ˌʌndɪzɜːvɪdli]  英[ˌʌndɪzɜːvɪdli]
adv.  不应得地;不当地


  1. in an unmerited manner;

    "the team chalked up another victory, the last one quite undeservedly, in my opinion"


  1. He was undeservedly blamed for the accident. 他因那件意外事故而受到不当的责备。
  2. It is now used to refer to anything worshipped undeservedly. 现在指一切不应该崇拜的东西。
  3. The study of this subject is undeservedly neglected today. 现今, 这门学科的研究受到不应有的忽视。
  4. And those who annoy believing men and women undeservedly, bear (on themselves) a calumny and a glaring sin. 以信士们和信女们所未犯的罪恶诽谤他们者,确已担负诬蔑和明显的罪恶。
  5. Who will grant me to be deservedly humbled before men for the truth, just as much as I have been undeservedly exalted for what is not true? 谁能准许我在他人面前为真理而有应得的谦逊,就象我已经为虚假而获得不应得的赞扬一般?
  6. Perhaps they suggest too strongly our own morality, the guilt we may deservedly or undeservedly feel about our own aging parents. 或许他们极强地说明了我们的道德观,我们会对自己年迈的双亲感到内疚,不管这种内疚是恰当还是不恰当。