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2024-02-17 13:39:17
美[ʌndɪsgaɪzdlɪ]  英[ʌndɪsgaɪzdlɪ]
adv.  公然地


  1. Secret cruel history scene: Face a massacre and die undisguisedly! 首页>>军事历史>>残酷历史黑镜头:赤裸裸地面对杀戮与死亡!
  2. Dew carries the skirt that join a body on the back, reveal back undisguisedly beautiful line, skirt is placed at reaching genu to sway locally. 露背连身裙,赤裸裸地流露背部美丽线条,裙摆于及膝位置上摇曳。
  3. The Japanese imperialists undisguisedly invaded the northeast China, which created the False Manchurian State, a Japanese colony. 伪满洲国是日本帝国主义对我国东北公然进行侵略的产物,也是日本的殖民地。
  4. In sexual life, husband and wife shows love undisguisedly commonly, adopt a few obscure languages however, special eyes or movement allude the other side. 在性生活中,夫妻一般不会赤裸裸地示爱,而是通过一些隐晦的语言,特殊的眼神或动作暗示对方。
  5. Undisguisedly bold;brazen. 公然自傲的;厚颜无耻的
  6. Be in undisguisedly when the female him at the moment, everything after general view does not have involuntary discharge of urine, if his feeling is, former wife is same, so such relation was over. 当女性赤裸裸地在他眼前,一切都一览无遗之后,如果他的感觉是,原来女人都是一样,那么这样的关系就完了。