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2024-02-17 13:55:17
美[ʌndɪstɜːbdlɪ]  英[ʌndɪstɜːbdlɪ]
adv.  安静地;镇静地


  1. The ping-pong player undisturbedly struck back at his opponent. 乓乒球运动员不慌不忙地回击对手。
  2. The ping - pong player undisturbedly struck back at his opponent. 乓乒球运动员不慌不忙地回击对手。
  3. The pingpong player undisturbedly struck back at his opponent. 那个乒乓球运动员不慌不忙地回击对手。
  4. Wild jujube benevolence besides what effect to still have undisturbedly? 酸枣仁除了镇静还有什么作用?
  5. Blue is had adjust the nerve, action that calms the nerves undisturbedly. 蓝色具有调节神经、镇静安神的作用。
  6. The captain still says undisturbedly: "The red shirt that takes me comes! 船长仍镇静地说:“拿我的红色衬衫来!”