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2024-02-17 14:00:16
美[ʌnduːəbl]  英[ʌnduːəbl]
adj.  不能做(或干)的;做(或干)不了的


  1. impossible to achieve;

    "an unattainable goal"


  1. This action will not be undoable. 此动作将无法复原。
  2. Making this function undoable would also be relatively easy to implement and highly desirable. 让该功能本身也可以撤销,这样会相对容易实现,也会更加理想。
  3. As a result, the undo engine has control over the duration of an undoable action. 因此,撤消引擎拥有对可撤消操作期间的控制权限。
  4. It is futile to attempt to convince him that certain things are simply undoable. 使他相信某事情是完全不可为的是无用的尝试。
  5. Specifically, the purpose of the application is to monitor source code as you edit it, making any changes undoable. 这个应用程序尤其用于监视你正在编辑的源代码,这样使得任意变化都是可以恢复的。
  6. The Command pattern implementation supports a request log, a queueing mechanism and undoable operations. 命令模式支持请求日志、队列机制和撤消行动。