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2024-02-17 14:06:17
美[ʌndʌn]  英[ʌndʌn]
adj.  解开的;未完成的;毁了的;烦乱的
sp.  动词undo的过去分词形式.


  1. not done;

    "the work could be done or undone and nobody cared"

  2. doomed to extinction
  3. not fastened or tied or secured;

    "her blouse had come undone at the neck" "his shoelaces were undone"

  4. thrown into a state of disorganization or incoherence;

    "price programs became unstuck because little grain was available"


  1. One of your buttons is undone.你的一个扣子松开了。
  2. Your shoes laces have come undone.你的鞋带松了。
  3. Finish the exercise undone in class.完成课堂上未做的题。
  4. He was gone and left all the work undone to me.他走了,把所有没做完的工作都留给了我。
  5. Take honour from me and my life is undone.将名誉从我身上拿走,我的生命也完蛋了。
  6. We can say you were mentally undone by the surprise of the breakup.我们可以说你被突然的分手打击得神经错乱了。
  7. When the inevitable order came to "Fix bayonets", he was undone.当“上刺刀”的口令传来时,他就变得失魂落魄。