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2024-02-17 14:22:17
美[ʌndjələnt]  英[ʌndjʊlənt]
adj.  起伏的;波状的


  1. resembling waves in form or outline or motion


  1. Moreover, the 3D stress distribution is more undulant than the 2D one. 相对而言,三维的应力分布曲线起伏较大。
  2. Bacteria that live in the soil may produce tetanus (lockjaw). Other kinds of bacteria cause leprosy and undulant fever. 生存于土壤中的细菌可引起破伤风。别的细菌可引起麻风病和波状热。
  3. Bacteria that live in the soil may produce tetanus ( lockjaw ). Other kinds of bacteria cause leprosy and undulant fever. 生存于土壤中的细菌可引起破伤风。别的细菌可引起麻风病和波状热。
  4. A method based on adaptive filtering is proposed to detect dim small moving targets in strong undulant clutter background. 在分析强起伏背景信号的基础上,利用背景局部信号统计特征和目标运动特性,提出了一种基于自适应滤波的弱小目标检测方法。
  5. The undulant line and bine line are two basic formsof cursive curve movement, which is very important to express the rhyme and feelingof the work. 波状线与藤状线是草书曲线运动的两大基本形式,在呈现作品的韵与情中分别起着关键性的重要作用。
  6. Australian physician and bacteriologist known for his description (887) of the bacterium that causes undulant fever, or brucellosis. 布鲁斯,戴维:(855-93)澳大利亚医生和细菌学家,因解释了引起波型热或布氏杆菌病的细菌(887年)而闻名