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2024-02-17 14:59:16
美[ˌʌnɪnkloʊzd]  英[ˌʌnɪnkləʊzd]
adj.  没围起来的;不在修道院受管束的


  1. not closed in our surrounded or included;

    "an unenclosed porch" "unenclosed common land"


  1. A privately owned, unenclosed game preserve. 私人狩猎区私人拥有的、未被围起的猎场
  2. This is the first unenclosed government in China, where people can cross the hall at any time. 这是中国第一个不封闭的政府,人民群众可以随意进入政府办公大楼。
  3. These double height spaces alternate with unenclosed areas and rise around a vertical core, their alignment shifting toward different views at every floor. 这些双高度空间候补与不可抗力造成周围地区和一个垂直的核心,使之转向不同的观点在每一个发言。
  4. Behind him the hills are open, the sun blazes down upon fields so large as to give an unenclosed character to the landscape, the lanes are white, the hedges low and plashed, the atmosphere colourless. 在他的身后,山峦尽收眼底,太阳照耀着广阔的田野,为那片风景增添了气势恢弘的特点,小路是白色的,低矮的树篱的枝条纠结在一起,大气也是清澈透明的。
  5. an unenclosed porch; unenclosed common land. 公共门廊;开放的工地。
  6. unenclosed exterior stair 室外明楼梯,不封闭室外楼梯