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2024-02-17 15:07:17
美[ˌʌnɪndʒɔɪəbəl]  英[ʌnɪndʒɔɪəbl]
adj.  不能从中得到乐趣的;不能使人快乐的;无乐趣的


  1. This is a pale and unenjoyable wine. (这可能意味著早期收获).;乎单是一个淡色的葡萄酒
  2. Normally, the first reaction to unenjoyable tasks is to “get it over with”. 通常,我们遇到没有趣味的任务时第一个反应是“赶紧草草把它做完”。(加菲猫
  3. Sometimes tasks can be unenjoyable simply because there is no quality in doing them. 有时工作不讨人喜欢仅仅是因为没有意义。
  4. It been a very long time since something crossed the line so much that it made some aspects of the game unenjoyable. 这个游戏到现在已经过了很长很长的时间,有些方面让游戏丧失了乐趣。
  5. Normally, the first reaction to unenjoyable tasks is to “get it over with”.Finishing as quickly as possible so you can move on to something better. 一般情况下,面对讨厌的工作,第一反应就是“完成它”,尽快的完成这项工作,你就可以去做其它稍微好点的工作。
  6. Sometimes tasks can be unenjoyable simply because there is no quality in doing them.For me, writing an article is more enjoyable than cleaning dishes. 有时候一个任务不能引起兴趣的原因只是简单的因为这事没有内在的或特殊的意义.;对于我来说,写作比洗盘子更有意义。