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2024-02-17 15:34:17
美[ˌʌnəstæblɪʃt]  英[ʌnɪstæblɪʃt]
adj.  未确立的
sp.  未被确认的; 尚无成就的.


  1. not established;

    "a reputation as yet unestablished"


  1. Two old plutonium disposal plants damaged at once by some unestablished reason. 两个遗留有钋的星球被一些不明原因突然破坏。
  2. The main roots for these problems are vague tenet of the museums, unestablished independent quality, incomplete resource factors, lack of operation awareness. 产生问题主要根源,是美术馆立馆宗旨不明确、独立品质没有确立、资源要素不齐备、经营意识不强所造成的。
  3. The Wa FM supporters are a mixed group more akin to community groups (just like the residents opposing a highway in Sri Petaling), unestablished and of unknown potentials and capability. FM”的支持者是类似社群群体(就如反对在大城堡高速公路的居民)、未经建制,其潜能与能力也是未知的。
  4. On the Unestablished Status of Chinese Experimental Drama 论中国实验话剧导演的非身份性
  5. unestablished flow 未稳定水流