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2024-02-17 15:45:17
美[ˌʌnɪkseld]  英[ʌnɪkseld]
adj.  未被胜过(或超越)的;无法改善(或改进)的;极好的


  1. not capable of being improved on


  1. Unexcelled guard, possessing ability to act on his own initiative at just the right moment without instruction. 极好的护卫犬,在必要的时候,没有得到指示也能在正确的瞬间自己采取正确的行动。
  2. Irony is the most profound form of hu-mour,and in that department of humour the Scotch are unexcelled. 讽刺是最深沉的幽默,在这方面,苏格兰人是无与伦比的。
  3. It is unexcelled for loyal pageantry and for a gracious and civilized way of life. 英国皇室典礼的壮丽场面和英国优雅文明的生活方式,均傲称于世。
  4. As he was sitting there he said to the Blessed One: "Now then, does Master Gotama claim, I have awakened to the unexcelled right self-awakening? 在友好礼貌的问候及客套之后,他在一边坐了下来并对世尊说:“瞿昙!你是否自称已经获得完全圆满正确的觉悟?”
  5. "If, great king, one speaking rightly could say of anyone, He has awakened to the unexcelled right self-awakening, one could rightly say that of me. “大王!如果有一位说话公正的人断言某人已经获得了完全圆满正确的觉悟(无上正等正觉),那麽他也会公正地断言我已经获得了完全圆满正确的觉悟。
  6. Staying at Savatthi. "Monks, gains, offerings, &fame are a cruel thing, a harsh, bitter obstacle to the attainment of the unexcelled rest from bondage. 住舍卫城.;“诸比丘!利得、供养、名誉,其可怖、激烈、粗暴,为到达无上安稳之障碍。