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2024-02-17 15:46:16
美[ˌʌnɪksepʃənəbl]  英[ˌʌnɪksepʃənəbl]
adj.  〈正式或文〉无可挑剔的;无可指责的
  副词:unexceptionably  名词:unexceptionableness


  1. completely acceptable; not open to exception or reproach;

    "two unexceptionable witnesses" "a judges ethics should be unexceptionable"


  1. This is an unexceptionable comment. 这是个无懈可击的观点。
  2. Mr. Weston was a man of unexceptionable character, easy fortune. 韦斯顿先生人品出众,广有钱财。
  3. Mr. Weston was a man of unexceptionable character, easy fortune, suitable age, and pleasant manners. 魏斯吞先生有无可非议的品德、富裕的家产、合适的年龄和愉快的态度。
  4. Such examples are unexceptionable, but care should be taken that this usage does not cause ambiguities. 这样的例子是无懈可击的,但应该小心谨慎以使这种用法不致于引起模棱两可。
  5. This unexceptionable course could not avail against the injustice and violence of the belligerent powers. 我们虽然奉行这种无懈可击的方针,可是未能制止好站国家的不当之举和暴力行为。
  6. Mrs. Renfrew, the colonels widow, was not only unexceptionable in point of breeding, but also interesting on the ground of her complaint. 伦费鲁太太是上校的遗孀,不仅在教养方面无懈可击,而且她的抱怨也耐人寻味。