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2024-02-17 15:56:17
美[ˌʌnɪkspaɪərd]  英[ˌʌnɪkspaɪəd]
adj.  未尽的;期限不满的;期限之内的


  1. not having come to an end or been terminated by passage of time;

    "elected to fill the senators unexpired term" "an unexpired drivers license"


  1. Verifies that there are no unexpired backup sets already on the media. 验证媒体上没有未过期的备份集。
  2. There are no unexpired patents for this product in the Orange Book Database. (鼠标放在图片上有书名)当当网上商城折扣购买, 全部免运费!
  3. Beforehand, take out the files that are unexpired, and destory the expired files; save you time and space. 事先规划有效年限,过期文件即可销毁,可节省时间.;空间。
  4. Prisoners breaching the supervision conditions may be recalled to serve the balance of their unexpired supervision period. 违反监管规定的犯人,可能会被召回继续服刑,直至监管期余下部分届满为止。
  5. Do you have any unexpired contract or service agreement with your present employer? 与现任雇主的合同或服务期协议是否到期?
  6. A director so elected to fill a vacancy shall be elected only for the unexpired term of his predecessor in office. 所以选举主任补缺选举产生,任期只有他的前任规划有效年限在办公室。