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2024-02-17 16:34:17
美[ʌnfemənɪn]  英[ʌnfemɪnɪn]
adj.  不像女性的


  1. not suitable for a woman;

    "an unfeminine depth of voice"


  1. She was a girl far from unfeminine or forward either in her feelings or her habits. 在感情和态度上她远不是一个厚脸皮的和莽撞的姑娘。
  2. They were taught to pity the neurotic, unfeminine, unhappy women who wanted to be poets or physicists or presidents. 有人教导她们怜悯那些神经过敏、欠温柔,不快乐、想当诗人、物理学家或总统的女人。
  3. You can try suggesting that you two girls go with him to the boxing match but youll get a dusty answer. He thinks that sort of thingss unfeminine. 你们可以试着提出让你们两个姑娘跟他一起去看拳击比赛,但你们得到的将是否定的答复。因为他认为那不是给女孩子看的。
  4. It is sometimes even considered a defect, as if there is something downright unfeminine about all that striving, fist pumping and incontinent sweating. 金牌的女主人可不比她们第一轮就淘汰出局的姐妹们有膻味,勾不起男运动员丝毫的胃口。
  5. For every woman who is called unfeminine when she competes, there is a man for whom competition is the only way to prove his masculinity. 只要有一个女人在竞技的时候被认为缺乏女性特征,定有一个男人只能靠对抗来证明他的阳刚。
  6. Some women are reluctant to manipulate a mans penis because they believe that such behavior is unfeminine, childish, or wicked. 一些女性对操弄男性的阴茎感到勉为其难,因为她们认为这样的行为不适合女性,是孩子气十足,或者令人憎恶。