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2024-02-17 16:35:17
美[ʌnfenst]  英[ʌnfenst]
adj.  没有篱笆的(没有防御的)


  1. not enclosed by a fence


  1. But the EUs proposed directive does not leave the field entirely unfenced. 但欧盟的提案并未将这一领域门户大开。
  2. Moreover, the lift shaft opening where the worker was working at was unfenced. 任何在附近工作之工人有可能被绊倒而堕进并无设置围栏之升降机井口。
  3. We reported our neighbours to the councilfor having an unfenced pool. 我们向参议会报告了我们邻居有个池塘没有加围栏的事。
  4. Their independent nature means they should NEVER be allowed to roam loose ,or off lead in an unfenced area. 他们独立的特质绝不允许他们闲庭信步,或是随意离开戒备区。
  5. Such events are particularly associated with hill farming areas, where sheep range widely on largely unfenced land. 这类赛事经常举行于山农区,在那里羊只广为散布于大面积的没有围栏的草地。
  6. As the working platform was totally unfenced, workers were totally unprotected against the hazard of falling from height. 由于工作平台之前并无设有任何围栏,工人因此要面对高处堕下的危险,全无保障。