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2024-02-17 16:39:17
美[ʌnfetə]  英[ʌnfetə]
vt.  解开脚链;释放;使自由
  过去式:unfettered  过去分词:unfettered  现在分词:unfettering  第三人称单数:unfetters


  1. The purpose of dreaming is to unfetter human instinct and allow it to follow the dictates of primal memory. 所谓做梦,就是放纵人的本能,任其赤裸裸地活跃在大脑记忆中。
  2. Unfetterd by the sense of crime, 未被蛮荒求生的罪恶感解脱,
  3. EuroAsia-Continent Strategic Pattern Tends to Unfetter from the Hegemony 欧亚大陆战略格局向摆脱霸权的方向发展
  4. liberate the productive forces; emancipate the productive forces; unfetter the productive forces; unleash inhibited [pent-up] productivity 解放生产力
  5. to unfetter a criminal 给罪犯除去镣铐