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2024-02-17 16:41:17
美[ʌnfɪlɪəl]  英[ʌnfɪljəl]
adj.  不孝的


  1. Then you Gaima I unfilial descendants. 这时,你该骂我不孝子孙了。
  2. Was scared to death of you, unfilial daughter! 吓到你了,女儿不孝!
  3. The father said, you unfilial, you also wrong. 父亲说,你不孝,你也有错误。
  4. The mother is disappointed by her unfilial son. 妈妈对她那不孝的儿子失望了。
  5. When they grow up they will rebel and become unfilial children. 长大后,自然动辄忤逆反抗,成为一个不孝子。
  6. People consider unfilial behaviour out-of-bounds in Singapore. 新加坡普遍认为不孝是不可接受的.