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2024-02-17 16:46:17
美[ʌnfɪnɪʃəbl]  英[ʌnfɪnɪʃəbl]
adj.  结束不了的


  1. Shanghais art market is like an unfinishable book in which galleries are indubitably playing the leading character. 上海艺术市场是一部永远读不完的大书,而上海画廊则是这部大书当之无愧的第一主角。
  2. Hunan to me is people swilling innumerable little glasses of bai jiu (rice wine) in front of a table laden with unfinishable amounts of food. 湖南之于我,就是人们就着桌上摆着吃不完的东西,喝着一杯一杯的白酒。
  3. Third, Pythagoras, neo-Pythagoras as well as Platos theory of unfinishable soul and samsara establishes the theoretical foundation for Christian theory of love and doomsday. 第三,毕达哥拉斯和新毕达哥拉斯派以及柏拉图的灵魂不灭与轮回思想,为基督教爱的理论和末世学奠定了理论基础。
  4. unfinishable building 烂尾楼