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2024-02-17 17:15:17
美[ˌʌnfəgɒtən]  英[ʌnfəgɒtən]
adj.  不被遗忘的;牢记的


  1. Fighting for those unforgotten memory! 为了不能忘却了过去!
  2. Gaias voice can be heard still aiding Kratos in his unforgotten quest. 盖亚的声音像往常一样出现提醒他。
  3. This new year was a unforgotten day:my guandfather has left the hospital. 但中东和平路线图计划的提出,使我们对沙龙的印象有了一些改变。
  4. What shall assuage the unforgotten pain / And teach the unforgetful to forget(Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 什么会抚慰不能忘却的痛苦/并且让无法忘怀的人学会遗忘?(但丁 加布利亚尔 罗塞蒂)。
  5. "What shall assuage the unforgotten pain/And teach the unforgetful to forget?" (Dante Gabriel Rossetti). “什么会抚慰不能忘却的痛苦/并且让无法忘怀的人学会遗忘?” (但丁·加布利亚尔·罗塞蒂)。
  6. What made Dunzhu, Geming and Yangpei unforgotten forever is that Blessings of Buddha let their dreams come true. 顿珠革命和央培今生难忘的是?佛祖保佑,梦想终于成真。