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2024-02-17 17:17:17
美[ˌʌnfɔːrmd]  英[ˌʌnfɔːmd]
adj.  未成形的;无成熟的;未充分发展的;尚未产生的


  1. not having form or shape;

    "unformed clay"

  2. not formed or organized;

    "an as yet unformed government"


  1. There was a crude unformed vision in his soul. 他的心灵深处有个混沌一团,尚未成形的幻想。
  2. The childs character is as yet unformed. 那孩子的性格尚未定型.
  3. From their flexible and unformed minds I can carve out my fittest tools. 我可以把他们易变的、不成熟的心灵雕塑成最适合我的工具。
  4. But its theories are immature and the discipline system is unformed. 笔者探讨安全管理信息系统学创建和发展的必要性;
  5. Ninth graders are full of hope and energy but unformed and malleable. 国三生血气方刚、定性却不足。
  6. It seemed to him that unquestionably there must be mercy for someone so unformed. 他觉得象这样一个还没有成形的孩子肯定会得到主的慈悲的。