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2024-02-17 17:48:16
美[ʌngleɪzd]  英[ʌngleɪzd]
adj.  未上釉的(没有装玻璃的;无光的)


  1. not furnished with glass;

    "windows were unglazed to admit as much light and air as possible"

  2. not having a shiny coating;

    "unglazed paper"


  1. A kind of hard unglazed pottery. 一种硬的素烧的陶器
  2. The regular surface can be glazed or unglazed, pure tiles etc. 规格: Indoor ceramic tile is designed for interior wall tiles decoration.
  3. CRISPY PIZZA: Buy unglazed terra-cotta tiles from a home-improvement store. 易碎的比萨饼 :从家居饰品店买回一些未加釉的陶瓷砖。
  4. A heavy unglazed cotton,linen,or rayon fabric,colorfully printed and used for draperies and slipcovers. 大花窗帘棉布一种色彩绚丽的结实的无光棉布、亚麻布或人造丝织物,用于作窗帘和家具套
  5. The mill yawned all ruinous with unglazed frames; the yard was thickly bestrewn with stones and brickbats. 由于玻璃都打烂了,工厂象张开大口似地露出一片劫后惨案,院子到处撒满了石块、碎砖。
  6. Sift the anthers onto unglazed, permeable paper, such as newspaper or paper toweling, for drying. 将花药筛到无光的、具渗透性的纸上,如报纸或卫生纸,以便花药干燥。