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2024-02-17 17:50:16
美[ʌngluː]  英[ʌngluː]
vt.  拆开(或揭开)(胶黏物);硬使分开
  过去式:unglued  过去分词:unglued  现在分词:ungluing  第三人称单数:unglues


  1. But consistent lying -- even about minor matters -- can unglue a marriage. 但是一些小事上惹出的连篇谎话都能导致婚姻搁浅。
  2. All told, the three efforts are designed to unglue markets that have seized up as investors have stood on the sidelines. 总而言之,政府此番三管齐下旨在让因投资者离场观望而失灵的市场重新恢复运转。
  3. to unglue a stamp from an envelope 揭下信封上的邮票
  4. To unglue the children from a TV set 使孩子们离开电视机