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2024-02-17 18:02:17
美[ʌngreɪtfəlnəs]  英[ʌngreɪtfəlnəs]
n.  徒劳


  1. a lack of gratitude


  1. Lack of gratitude; ungratefulness. 没有感谢之意的;忘恩负义的
  2. Do they call virture, there, ungratefulness? 在天上是否拿背情弃义当作美德?
  3. Being overly eager to return favor is in fact an act of ungratefulness. 过分地急于还礼,其实是一种忘恩的行为。
  4. When we are successful,we can surely have many reasons for being grateful,but we have only one excuse to show ungratefulness if we fail! 我们成功时,有千万个理由感恩生活,而失败时,只要一个借口就会表现出忘恩负义!
  5. When we are successful, we can surely have many re-asons for being grateful, but we have only one excuse to show ungratefulness if we fail. 如果对生活感恩,你的生命将充满灿烂。
  6. When we are successful, we can surely have many reasons for being grateful, but we have only one excuse to show ungratefulness if we fail. 我们成功是时有千万个理由感恩生活,而失败时只要一个借口就会表现出忘恩负义!