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2024-02-17 18:36:17
美[ˌʌnhɑːmoʊnɪəs]  英[ˌʌnhɑːməʊnɪəs]
adj.  不合谐的;不和睦的


  1. not in harmony


  1. Second, such a dark view of life is unharmonious and disrupts relationships. 其次,这种灰暗的生活态度很不和谐且有害人际关系。
  2. The serious practicing environment of doctors mostly caused the unharmonious hospital patients relationship. 分析了导致医疗执业环境不佳,医患关系不够和谐的主要原因;
  3. While the whole China is building an orderly and harmonious society, how can we tolerate such unharmonious tone? 当整个中华大地在共建和谐社会时,我们怎能容忍这样的不和谐的音调呢?
  4. Frequently occured medical disputes and the unharmonious doctor-patient relationship have become the hot social issues. 摘要: 医患纠纷频繁发生和医患关系不和谐已成为社会热点问题。
  5. However, many unharmonious factors have arisen along with the development of social economy. 随着社会经济的发展,也产生了诸多不和谐因素。
  6. Unharmonious sound from this girl told us she from Taiwan and I said: China Taiwan. 不和谐的音符来自这个小女孩声称来自台湾后,我说:中国台湾啊。