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2024-02-17 18:41:17
美[ʌnhelθfəl]  英[ʌnhelθfəl]
adj.  影响健康;不卫生的;对身体有害的


  1. not sanitary or healthful;

    "unsanitary open sewers" "grim and unsanitary conditions"

  2. detrimental to good health;

    "unhealthful air pollution" "unhealthful conditions in old apartments with peeling lead-based paint"

  3. detrimental to health


  1. Unhealthful fats include saturated and trans fats. 不利于健康的脂肪包括饱和脂肪及转化脂肪。
  2. I know,I know,its so unhealth,Ill go to the gym later. 我知道;我知道;但我一会儿反正要去健身房.
  3. The quality of being unhealthful and generally bad for you. 对身体有害,不利于身体健康。
  4. Oxygen plays a key role in metabolism, but can also be an unhealthful agent. 氧分在新陈代谢方面起着关键作用,但也是引起不健康的因素。
  5. Unhealthful air pollution; unhealthful conditions in old apartments with peeling lead-based paint. 有害健康的空气污染;铅基油漆剥蚀的老房子中不利于健康的环境。
  6. Embassy employees were eventually granted a 20 percent hardship allowance for their service in an unhealthful post. 由于他们服务一个对身体有害的职位上,大使馆职员终于获得了20%25的职工艰苦劳动津贴。