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2024-02-17 18:42:16
美[ʌnhelθɪli]  英[ʌnhelθɪli]
adv.  有病地


  1. Is oedema can explain the kidney changes unhealthily? 水肿能说明是肾脏有病变吗?
  2. Dangerous pattern 2: Do not demand medical service unhealthily. 危险方式2:有病不求医。
  3. Farmers elsewhere may be unhealthily dependent on state aid. 欧洲以外的农民也许病态地依靠国家补助。
  4. His liability was also unhealthily low in comparison to his net worth. 而他的支出与净收入相比,也出奇的低!
  5. In China private consumption is indeed unhealthily low, at only 35% of GDP. 在中国,私人消费支出是不健康的低,仅占GDP35%25。
  6. Does the child take medicine unhealthily can you affect his normal growth? 孩子有病吃药会影响他的正常发育吗?