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2024-02-17 18:50:17
美[ˌʌnhɪroʊɪk]  英[ˌʌnhɪrəʊɪk]
adj.  不英勇的;非英雄的


  1. Nixon took a heroic position from a decidedly unheroic posture. 处于十足困境的尼克松采取了堪称大胆的立
  2. Some maintain that because the Cold War is over and because America is at peace our age is essentially an unheroic one. 有些人坚持说,由于冷战的结束和美国对外的和睦,我们的时代本质上不是一个英勇豪壮的时代。
  3. "Who will remember, passing through this Gate,The unheroic Dead who fed the guns? (穿过这扇门的时候,谁还会想起那些普通的、填补枪口的死难者?)
  4. Nixon took a heroic position from a decidedly unheroic posture 处于十足困境的尼克松采取了堪称大胆的立场。
  5. unheroic adj. 非英雄的;