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2024-02-17 19:01:17
美[ʌnhɔːs]  英[ʌnhɔːs]
vt.  使 ... 摔下马来; 推翻; 把 ... 驱逐出
  过去式:unhorsed  过去分词:unhorsed  现在分词:unhorsing  第三人称单数:unhorses


  1. alight from (a horse)


  1. He was fears not being cut to pieces dares to unhorse the emperor. 舍得一身剐,敢把皇帝把下马。
  2. Then may He give me the strength to unhorse you and send you with the blow back across the sea. 也许上帝会给我力量把你从马上打下来,然后伴随一场爆炸把你送回海的那一边。
  3. A medieval sport in which two mounted knights with lances charged together and attempted to unhorse one another. 马上比枪是一种中世纪的运动,两个手持长予的骑士互相攻击以使对方落马。
  4. "He who is not afraid of death by a thousand cuts dares to unhorse the emperor" -- this is the dauntless spirit needed in our struggle to build socialism and communism. “舍得一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马”,我们在为社会主义、共产主义而奋斗的时候,必须有这种大无畏的精神。
  5. Bewilder unhorse alien taboos Men accustomed to struggling for survival against the elements and Indians were bewildered by politicians, bankers and businessmen, and unhorsed by fences, laws and alien taboos. 习惯与大自然和印第安人作斗争以求生存的拓荒者被政客、银行家和商人搞得晕头转向,最后被圈地、法律和外来的清规戒律所击败。
  6. The heavy lance is a "Shock" weapon.Its purpose is to unhorse a rider in single combat, such as in the "joust for peace"; 重型矛是一种冲击武器,它的设计意图在单对单中将对方骑手撞下坐骑的,比如“点到即止的枪术比赛”;