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2024-02-17 19:31:16
美[juːnəˌfaɪəbəl]  英[juːnɪfaɪəbl]
adj.  可统一的(能一致的)


  1. To date, there is no unifiable naming, classification and diagnostic standard all over the world. 迄今国际上尚无统一的命名、分类和诊断标准。
  2. Up till now, the estimating method has no unifiable understanding.For this reason much controversy is often given rise to . 目前对这种偏差的估算方法及估算值指标尚未形成共识,因此时有争议发生。
  3. It is assumed in this article that the concept of Fenggu is abstract but not concrete, illegible but not legible, extentive but not intentive, unifiable but not antinomic. “风骨”概念是抽象而非形象的,模糊而非清晰的,宽泛而非狭隘的,统一而非对立的。