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2024-02-17 19:48:17
美[ˌjuːnɪlætrəlɪst]  英[ˌjuːnɪlætrəlɪst]
adj.  主张片面武论的
n.  主张片面武论者


  1. an advocate of unilateralism


  1. One of the politer accusations is that he is a “unilateralist”. 有些比较有礼貌的攻击者指责他是“单边主义者”。
  2. President Barack Obama may turn out to be the most egregious unilateralist in American history. 结果可能是,奥巴马总统成为美国历史上最异乎寻常的单边主义者。
  3. The language in this statement of space policy reflects the unilateralist approach of the current U.S. government. 这份政策声明中的语言反映了当前美国政府中片面主张限武论者的步骤。
  4. In capitals across the world, massive protests have erupted against Israels unilateralist invasion of Gaza - supported only by Washington. 除华盛顿之外,世界各国首都都已爆发大规模反对以色列单方面入侵加沙的抗议活动。
  5. In the wake of the Cold War, and without the rivalry of the Soviet Union, the United States trends to adapt unilateralist approaches in world politics. 在后冷战时期,伴随着苏联这样一个强大的敌手的消失,美国在处理国际事务中的单边主义倾向也变得越来越明显。
  6. Reflecting Beijings concerns about the provinces unilateralist tendencies, there has not been a local party secretary in Guangdong since 1998. 广东自1998年以来就没再出现过本省人担任的省委书记,这反映出北京对于这个省份离群单飞倾向的担忧。