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2024-02-17 20:12:16
美[ʌnɪnˌflʊənst]  英[ʌnɪnflʊənst]
adj.  未受影响


  1. not influenced or affected;

    "stewed in its petty provincialism untouched by the brisk debates that stirred the old world" "unswayed by personal considerations"


  1. They come and they go and the sky remains untouched, uninfluenced. 这是真的:思绪只是像天空中飘动的云朵。
  2. Ehrlichmans hiring of Young was not uninfluenced by the petty jealousies of the White House staff. 埃利希曼启用扬,并非没有受到白宫工作人员狭隘嫉妒心的影响。
  3. Mens view of a woman, on the other hand, appeared to be uninfluenced by her wit. 另一方面,男学生对女性的观点似乎不受她的才智的影响。
  4. Patients eyes were aerted during the measurements and were uninfluenced by expectations. 测试过程中患者不会受到视觉的影响。
  5. Suffer an effect bigger is Jiangsu, Shanxi is taken, shenzhen reachs circumjacent uninfluenced. 受影响较大的是江苏、山西一带,深圳及周边未受影响。
  6. It is well-known that,unlike other countries,the traditional Chinese culture had developed on its own steam,largely uninfluenced by other cultures. 众所周知,传统中国文化,跟其他国家的文明不一样。它自行发展,自成一格,在很大的程度并未受到其他文明的影响。