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2024-02-17 20:20:17
美[ʌnɪnspektɪd]  英[ʌnɪnspektɪd]
adj.  未经检查的


  1. That means roughly 95% of them go uninspected. 这意味着大约95%25厂库的经营没有得到检查。
  2. Hence, we are arranging the Gas Company to inspect balance of those uninspected units. 惟该次定期检查能成功到访之单位比率只有37%25,表示尚有大部份单位仍未被检查。
  3. The uninspected packages are forbidden to be used as containers for the dangerous import and export airfreight. 未经检验的包装不准用于盛装空运进出口危险货物。
  4. Discussion on Revaccination and Reinsertion of The Uninspected Animals on High Way Animal Quarantine Stations 关于公路动物防疫检查站对未经检疫动物实施补免、补检做法的探讨